Would you like to lose a stone in 2024?
Are you a beginner when it comes to your health and wellness? Maybe you’re a frustrated yo-yo dieter that’s fed up with that endless cycle of losing a pound, gaining a pound?
If you meet the above criteria then this article is for you! I’m going to show you one of the steps I go through with all of my clients when they first join me.
This article is step number 1 of a 4 step process that I go through with every client of mine.
Step number 1 is all about knowing your baseline calorie number, this number forms the foundations of all other steps that come after this so it is super important!
First things first, what is your baseline calorie number?
Technically speaking, it’s your BMR (basal metabolic rate), which is the amount of calories that your body needs in order to survive and maintain itself if all you did was lay on the sofa all day, plus your activity level allowance, an amount of calories added considering the amount that you move on a daily basis. For me, that all sounds far too complicated, so from now on you’ll hear me refer to this as your baseline.
Now, why should you be bothered with your baseline?
Without knowing your baseline, everything that comes after this such as your calorie deficit, how to achieve that deficit, etc, will have no relevance to you and your needs. Meaning, it will be extremely difficult for you to lose any weight which will likely lead to you getting frustrated and eventually giving up, which we don’t want!
So, let’s go ahead and get to know your baseline (I have put together a calculator that can do all the following for you if you’d rather, just drop me a message via email or on social media with the word ‘baseline’ to have it sent over)...
There are many different ways to come to this number, the way I’m going to show you is the most researched method BUT what I would add is that this is just an estimate. It’s a good place to start but it will need to be dialled in to you over time. It will also change as your weight changes so be sure to keep on top of it!
The basic equation is:

Once you have your BMR, you'll need to decide on your Activity Level Allowance (ALA)
1.2 - Work from a desk all day? Do little to no exercise?
1.45 - Think you’re somewhere in the middle?
1.75 - Have a super active job? Get to an exercise class every day of the week?
Now take your BMR and multiply it by your chosen ALA…
That magic number you should now have is your baseline!
Here's a real world example...
Gill is a 47 year old female, she's currently 90KG, 170cm tall and her chosen ALA is 1.45
10 x 90 = 900
6.25 x 170 = 1,062.5
5 x 47 = 235
900 + 1,062.5 - 235 - 161 = 1,566.5
1,566.5 x 1.45 = 2,271
Gills baseline is: 2,271
Remember that's an estimate. If Gill was a real client, this is where we would start from but it would no doubt need to be dialled in over the course of a few weeks.
As I said at the start of this article, that is the foundation you will need for everything else that comes after it to be personal to you. Remember, if you can’t be bothered with all the maths, just drop me a message via email, on social media or on my website with the word ‘BONUS’ and I’ll have the calculator sent out to you as well as a BONUS step that isn’t available anywhere else which makes all of the info available in this series actionable and gives you a clear plan of what to do and when!
The next article in this beginners series is: The Ultimate Guide To Weight Loss: Step 2
Thanks for reading!
Dan Bryan (AKA The Thrive Health Coach)
I specialise in sustainable weight loss for beginners and frustrated yo-yo dieters with bespoke 121 health coaching. I'm based in Amersham but cover all the surrounding areas including Little Chalfont, Chesham, Berkhamsted, Tring, Aylesbury, Watford, High Wycombe, Beaconsfield, Rickmansworth and Chorleywood.
You can reach me at the following:
Email: hello@thrivewithdan.co.uk
Instagram: @thethrivehealthcoach
Facebook: The Thrive Health Coach
Whatsapp: 07368 206534